Opening event
It's been 4 years since my last cheerdance exhibition and I did miss all the fun this activity wraps me... the sweat that pours out of me detoxifying my muscles, the air I gobble in every shout that fills my heart, the snappy and sexy moves that tone my figure and keep me flexible, the liftings that raise me several feet nearer heaven... the list is endless. College has been cruel to me to keep me from cheerdancing and I can't express the joy I felt when I learned that I will be cheering and dancing and enjoying myself once again for the sportsfest of my new home.
The practice/preparation was a mix of I-don't-know. We were given only less than a week to learn and polish the routines, regardless if the group is capable of dancing and cheering at the same time. The practices occured after office hours; our endurance was put to test, eyebags and uneven skins were put in the limelight. Whew.
Though I'm dying to showcase my passion for this cheerdancing, I had second thoughts if I'd continue with this endeavor or not. For one, one week isn't really enough to prepare us no matter what angle you look into it. Our one week meant 3 hours a day only for we work in the morning still. Second, the expenses are too much for me who's just started earning; lots of things to buy and activities to join. Last but not the least, I value my sleeping hours a lot. It isn't easy to get up after that exhausting night with only less than 6 hours sleep! But due to my very intelligent behavior, I know for myself that I can't back out. I have told my manager and teammates, with great pride, that I used to be a cheerleader back in my highschool days. It's called palabra de honor, sort of.
After the actual competition itself last July 28, I felt as if I had a 2-hour massage session. I didn't care on the results anymore, it's enough to know that there will be no more night practices and muscleaches!
Overall, my experience related for this cheering competition can be described as... bitter sweet. I've said the reasons why it has been bitter; now it's time to acknowledge the positive light.
I learned new moves. I've cheerdanced, complete with the snappy hand routines. I've sweat my desire out. I've burned unwanted fats, especially in my stomach part. I've regained my confidence when I'm lifted feet above by big boys. I've established new friendships and been inspired for a week. I laughed and shared stories with my officemates thus strengthening the bond we have. I rode my seniors' cars (not just one car but several cars to be honest) with them behind the wheel while I sit at the back and feel comfortable. I've been to different places.
There's a lot to complain about it as well as to cherish because of that cheering activity. This will definitely be found in my pensieve.
Next attraction
I came in the office with the thought of volleyball practice only to find out after reading an email that the rehearsal after office hours is postponed. No, I didn't have plans other than that; I forgot about the Bowling game. I'm interested but doubtful since I have played only twice in my lifetime, so I took the postponement of our rehearsal as a break to try Bowling which happened at 6 o' clock, July 30.
It turned out I do have a talent in this sport. With greater exposure, I can even become the next (insert Bowling star here). Hehe. Seriously, I play fine and I do enjoy it so I can clearly see my brighter future in this activity. If only the authorities will give me chance to improve and prove myself.
Bowling is my priority activity from now on as I find this not too demanding, though I got home late last game. I pray that Sir Banky will always watch our game, right Dada?
There's more!
I can't believe I've put myself in this situation. I'm going home late again lately, as exhausted and as aching as my cheering days have been. Though my situation now is not as pathetic compare to being a cheerdancer, I still wish I'd have my regular 8-hour rest every night. Our rehearsals will not be everyday but each rehearsal will cost me bruises and cramps. Ouch! I can't back out, and I don't have any plans on doing that. Primarily, I enjoy volleyball and being in a volleyball team is an achievement, being able to represent your department. It satisfies my sporty self. Likewise, volleyballing is a great workout for figure-conscious people like me. Like any other sport, it tones my muscles, burns fats and keeps my heart healthy.
In fairness to myself, I can play volleyball. I can control the ball and I am capable of receiving the ball properly either from the service or during the play, though of course, not all the time. Further practice will perfect my service and spiking. I thought I'm mediocre and just being courageous but I can do more.
Team Standing
So far, my activities in this work/life balance program have been unsatisafactorily. The cheering competition was a wreck (shocks, they have a video of our performance!). The bowling game was 3 wins and 3 losses, so conservatively, it's not good. But hey, I belong in the winning group! And in regard our first volleyball game, sigh, we lost.
We're just warming up... yun lang masasabi ko.