Sunday, May 28, 2006

what could be worse to happen in a day

The play you plan to watch at 1730 is postponed till 2130. But because you can't pass this day without watching any play you wait for almost three hours, alone with no one to talk to.
You also anticipated that you'll be home by dinner but that is not possible now thanks for the change of schedule. And the worse part of it, the cash in your purse is just enough to take you to CCP and back home. It's not enough to satisfy your stomach's outcry.
You brought your card, as always, but where is the machine? There in the other side of the country; meters you have to walk to get there. Whew! You soaked your second shirt with sweat.
Tonight you also plan to do your part in a group assignment. Given your situation now, poor classmate, she'll have to cram tomorrow doing her part because she's dependent on your work and sure enough, you can't send it tonight.
Last but not the least, you're seating alone, nail polish's ruined in your two toe nails and can't even use your phone well because your threatened of battery drain.

Furthermore, he has not text back yet.


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